Thursday, January 13, 2011

Steps to Finishing the Serger Cover Stitch Shadow Work Heirloom Pillow

This is what the pillow looks like after the cover stitch is stitched on the wrong side of the pillow top.  A dark thread is used so it shows through (shadows) to the right side.

The pillow top section is turned to the right side.  See how the dark thread in the cover stitch shows through?  That is shadowing at its best!

Next, the ruffle strip edge is serged with a rolled edge using rayon thread.  Then, the opposite edge of the ruffle is gathered in preparation for applying it to the pillow.

Can a zipper be inserted with a serger?  Absolutely!  This is what the zipper looks like when stitched by the serger.  It really is an easy way to insert a zipper!

 The right side of the serger zipper application.  It is an exposed zipper application, but it's still pretty.

Here, the piping strip is applied to the edge of the pillow top.  Can you see how the groove in the piping foot glides over the hump of the piping?  This foot makes applying piping by serger so very easy!

After the piping is serged onto the pillow top, the ruffle and the pillow back are layered onto the pillow top, then all layers are serged together.  At this point, I have to admit, pinning the layers together is necessary.  Just remember to place the pins parallel to the edge of the fabric.  The ruffle layer has to be contained along the straight edge of the pillow layers so it lays properly.

All layers are serged together.  Using the piping foot, place the groove of the foot over the hump of the piping just like it was done to apply the piping to the first layer of the pillow.

This close up photo shows how all the components have come together in the finished pillow: the rolled edge on the ruffle, the pink checked piping strip, and the cover stitch shadowing through.  This project would make a fabulous gift for someone, don't you think?


  1. Replies
    1. Jeanna, Thank you! I enjoyed making this pillow. It helped me really get to know my serger and a lot of its capabilities. One thing I learned was to go ahead, take the risk, and give myself a challenge!
