Announcing! My new school of sewing is open and ready for students! I haven't been posting for some time, due to a busy schedule of getting the school set up, as you can imagine. There have been many, many hours of paperwork, thought, decisions and putting all of it into action - much more time-consuming than I ever thought! I, and a very close sewing friend and my protege and co-teacher, discovered a few months ago that we have both had a long-time desire to have our own sewing school - so, we have made it a reality. We have opened The Red Barn School of Sewing, LLP!
Since my husband has said for a long time that he thinks Kentucky should be put on the map for sewing and Kentucky is known for its barns, we have chosen this barn drawing as our theme. Since most barns are red, we decided to call it The Red Barn School of Sewing! The bonus of this barn image is that it's almost identical to the barn that was on the farm where I grew up! What memories it brings back every time I see it.
At this time, our school is offering what we're calling our "Signature Class," Sewing Machine Fundamentals. In this group class, lasting three hours, students will learn the basic operation of their sewing machine and will learn how to stitch out many, if not all, of the built-in stitches that are available on their machine - even if it's a very basic level sewing machine. When starting to develop this class, we learned so much about what our sewing machines could do. It was just amazing! I've had my machine for over 23 years and didn't know some of what it could do before working on this class.
In the class, the students will make a Stitch Encyclopedia, where they will stitch out the built-in stitches on a fabric sheet of muslin. Students may choose to use the same color of thread for every stitch pattern, or may use a different color for each one. Students will make one, two or more "pages" of stitches that they may turn into a book (encyclopedia) of stitches, so they may actually see what the stitches look like on fabric. It's really hard to know what the stitches will look like just by the chart printed in the machine's instruction manual or on the front of their sewing machine. We've had students who have already taken this class say, "I really learned so much about my machine - it was amazing!"
We are also offering customized, private lessons that will be a one-on-one, two-hour class. The private sewing lesson will be customized (tailored) to meet the needs of the student, from taking the sewing machine out of its box, to learning about a specific technique. Our private sewing teacher will interview the student prior to their lesson in order to learn how the student's needs can be met.
We are holding in-store promotions on the first three Saturdays in April, 1:00-3:00 p.m. at the Hobby Lobby store, 968 Breckenridge Lane, Louisville, KY 40207 so come on over to greet and meet us! Check out our website at to see more of what our school offers, to see our teachers' biographies, our class policies, a photo gallery and testimonials of previous students. We will be happy to teach you, if you live in the Louisville KY area, so sign up for one of our classes!

Welcome to my sewing blog! I'll be showing photos and talking about some of the sewing and serger projects I teach at Austin's Sewing Center, at the local public library, at other locations, or have made just for my own enjoyment. God has blessed me with the gift of sewing and I love to share it with everyone. Hopefully, you will be blessed by what you see and read here! Thank you for visiting. (To see a close-up view of each photo, just click on it for a larger size.)
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