Monday, January 17, 2011

Comfort Caps and Baby Blankets

Our Master Clothing Workday was a great success today!  There were 11 or 12 volunteers who made 58 comfort caps (chemo caps) and 10 baby blankets for our community service sewing project.  We had an assembly line going.  Some cut out caps, some sewed caps, some serged caps.  I serged a 3-thread balanced stitch around the outer edge and some tied off the ends of the thread chains and hid them in the seam.  We spent about 4 hours completing our projects, while visiting with each other, catching up on our activities since our November training.

We had a very nice lunch, then grouped together for our "show and tell" session, presenting and discussing projects we made in our individual classes at training and some other projects we've worked on since we were together last.

Our group is made up of wonderfully talented, experienced and qualified volunteers.  Together, we log an enormous number of volunteer hours teaching others in our communities to sew.  Some of our volunteers work with children through the 4-H program and others work with adults.  We all have a love of sewing and teaching others the skills we've acquired, and thoroughly enjoy our work with the Master Clothing Volunteer program.

I plan to give these two caps to a high school classmate who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer and has been undergoing chemo treatments.  I hope she likes them and they give her some comfort.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I showed these caps to a friend, who had just visited someone in a rehab center. The rehab patient is recovering from cancer surgery, so my friend asked if she could have one of the caps for her cancer patient friend. Of course, I said, "Yes!" I let her pick the one she wanted to take to her friend. Later, she called me and said she had delivered the cap and it was very well received. It fit and the color was great on her friend. God's blessings just keep on coming!
